Friday, October 3, 2008

It's just a number

As I turned on the digital scale with my toe, I remember saying to myself, "Just ignore what you see on the scale. It's just a number, it doesn't matter."

Imagine my reaction when I realized that the number on the scale suggests that I am 13 pounds lighter than I was when I started this endeavor in July. I am now within a piece of cake of dropping into the 120s. (Albeit, a large piece of cake, probably an end piece with extra frosting and lots of ice cream with caramel and candy pieces inside, but still...)

Needless to say, I'm thrilled with the number on the scale, but I must keep telling myself that it is just a number, and I'm still far enough away from my ultimate goal that I know I have lots more work ahead of me. But, it defintely feels good to be where I am right now, and I'm motivated and encouraged to keep going.

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