Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 16: Better than yesterday

Perhaps it's because it's Saturday, and I didn't have to get up before the sun, but today was much better than yesterday. I didn't dread the workout in the least. I kept pace with all the moves. Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred, even at day 9, is still kicking my butt all over the place by the end, but it's such a good feeling when it's all over. It's only 20 minutes, but I still feel a real sense of accomplishment.

The strength, cardio, and ab combination in the third circuit leaves me panting and ready to pass out every morning. Fortunately, I'm able to recover quickly enough, but there are a few seconds after the final plank twist where it's "touch and go." On second thought, it seems to me that the workout actually starts to get really tough during the cardio work in the second circuit (jumping ab twists and the skater), but there's a short recovery while doing the ab work, so it's not as pronounced is it might otherwise be. Don't get me wrong, the ab work is tough... but at least we're on the ground.

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