Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2d30D9: Why is it so hard?

I hate to keep comlaining, but I STILL don't feel well. My mother, who had this cold 2 weeks before I did, told me that her cold lingered for 3 weeks. Ugh! I can't handle 3 weeks of not being able to breathe.

It took a lot of self-convincing/motivating, but I got my workout in this morning. It helped that I received a note from my son's teacher yesterday telling me she didn't need me to help with computer lab this morning which meant that I could exercise while both kids were at school this morning. Howeve, whenever I workout in the middle of the day, be it mid-morning or mid-afternoon, I'm always reminded why I like to exercise early in the morning. There are so many other things that I need to be doing when I have 1.75 hours of kid-free time: applying for jobs, revising my resume, networking, cleaning, folding and putting away laundry, cleaning out the garage, the list is endless, and it keeps going through my head while I'm working out. No matter what I'm doing, I'm plagued by guilt.

I was able to do 30 minutes of Jillian's "No More Trouble Zones," the quick version. Even though I still can't breathe through my nose, I still wanted to do the Yoga Sculpt, I wanted to be sure that it's still On Demand. Fortunately it has been renewed for another 30 days. Surprisingly, I was feeling pretty good at the end of NMTZ, and I probably could have done the full version, but I feel good about what I did. I may try to do the full version tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can get back into my routine of getting up early. We'll see, it's been awhile since I've done that. It's going to take a lot more self-motivation tomorrow morning!!

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