Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Plugging away

I'm still here, plugging away at my new routine. Some days are easier than others.  Since I last checked in here, I've been up and down with a mix of green, red, and yellow days.  ***I keep meaning to take a picture of the chart in my bathroom and post it here.

Instead of listing the stats for each of the last 5 days, I'll post my averages:

Average step count: 11,484 (highest was on Friday with over 15,000 and lowest was on Monday with less than 8,000)
Calorie: Except for Friday night when we were out with friends, I've been at or below my goal of 1325.
UP Food score average: 8.1
Workouts: I worked out 4 out of the last 5 days, skipping Monday because I had a work obligation from 5:30-7 and then book club following that.

I'm working on  a few more introspective and hopefully more interesting posts.  One is about my love/hate relationship with the scale and how I can't bring myself to step on it.  The other post is about the difference between my approach to weight loss and my husband's approach.  I hope you come back to read those!

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