Monday, February 24, 2020

Weekend round up featuring more scale talk

Piggybacking on my post last week about the trouble I'm having with the scale, I have to report mixed reviews from this weekend.  On Friday morning, I decided to take a break from the scale, just for the weekend. In the days leading up to that decision, I'd managed to lose a very unimpressive 0.2 lbs.  Yes, you read that right.... 0.2 lbs.  Hence, my decision to take a break.

The weekend was slated to be another busy one (I need to consult a thesaurus for a different word), and I knew going in, it would be, so I decided to just see what would happen if I gave myself permission to blur the lines a little, not to go crazy by cramming girl scout cookies and ice cream in my mouth, but to just be a little lax.  For example, on Friday night, we had a celebratory dinner at a local chophouse, and I allowed myself one glass of sparkling wine. My main meal was BLE compliant, and I didn't have any of the banana pudding that my family ordered, so as I said, not crazy, but still blurred.  I went to a slow flow yoga class Saturday morning and did my meal planning and grocery shopping Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening we went out with a group of friends to see an 80's cover band and had dinner beforehand.  On previous occasions seeing this particular band, I've over-indulged, to say the least, so I made a commitment to myself that I would not drink and then volunteered to be the designated driver for the night to fasten my resolve. At dinner, I ate more than I probably should have and part of my meal was not BLE compliant, but not awfully so.  After dancing the night away, the group wanted to stop for Coney Dogs on the way home.  Though the chili cheese fries and onion rings that were brought to the table smelled delicious, I held strong.  If I had been drinking, for sure I would have eaten a whole plate of chili cheese fries myself, but being stone cold sober, I didn't have any.

Sunday morning I went with some friends to tour the servants' area of a home on the national historic register, Meadow Brook Hall.  It was a quaint tour that I've been wanting to take since I first learned about it a few years ago.  It ended with tea and scones. Though scones are way off the BLE path, I allowed myself to eat a whole scone, and I didn't let myself feel guilty about it.

This post wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention that we also rescued a pup Sunday afternoon, Arya Maize.  This information has nothing to do with the scale or being BLE compliant, but it is definitely blog worthy.  She's a sweet girl who is settling in pretty well.  Having nothing to compare her to, I'd say her introduction to our 2 cats has gone well. Arya just wants to play, and the cats don't know what to make of the situation.  Their world has been turned upside down for the moment. We've created a "safe space" for them in the den.  It's a place where they can get in and out, but Arya can't.  We moved their litter boxes and food and water and some toys in there, but I'm not convinced Shadow remembers that from one minute to the next.  I know this will be a process, but I'm hopeful after a short adjustment period, it will be all good.

So, all of the above brings me to this morning's weigh-in. Honestly, it was almost as hard for me to step on the scale this morning as it was to do it that first time 35 days ago.  I didn't know what to expect. I was hoping for it to be down, I would  have been ok if it remained the same from the last time I weighed in (Thursday), but I would have been devastated if it showed an increase. Ok, devastated is a strong word, but I would have been really upset over a significant increase.  With all of that trepidation and anxiety, I almost talked myself out of weighing in, but after my morning meditation and commitment, I headed straight to the scale... it showed a 0.8 difference from last Thursday, in the correct downward direction.  To say I was relieved is an understatement. This means I only had a 0.4 loss for the week, but given the frustration and fluctuation from last week, I'll take it.

With that behind me, I need to figure out how to move forward.  I'm not ready to spend money on the BLE BootCamp, but I do miss SPT's morning video message.  I could sign up for another 2 week challenge where I'd regain access to all of the other resources that are available in the BLE world.

I know there are 2 areas where I can improve my bright lines, so I'm going to redouble my efforts.  In BLE world it's called re-zooming.  It's that information about re-zooming that I can't access without joining the boot camp or doing another 14 day challenge.  I've seen people post on the FB page that they re-zoom every Monday, but I don't know exactly what it means.  I know what I think it means, but I'm not certain. 

While I contemplate what to do next, I'm going to make those 2 improvements to see if it makes a difference this week: 1) I will start weighing my food again.  I'm not convinced that this is what's keeping the scale from moving, but it is a bright line that I've been blurring.  I eat the same foods for breakfast and lunch most days. I measure my breakfast museli, and for lunch I eat one apple with peanut butter, veggies and either chicken or turkey and cheese.  I weigh my protein (chicken, turkey etc.) on a food scale, so I don't think I'm overeating, but I guess it won't hurt to double check my amounts. 2) I know I need to drink more water. Drinking water is not a specific bright line in this program.  From the comments on the FB page, it appears most people drink a minimum of 64 oz while others drink half their body weight in ounces.  I'm going to start shooting for 64 oz each day to see if that makes a difference on the scale.

Now it's your turn, tell me what you do when you're trying to lose weight and you have to re-commit yourself to the task! 💖

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