You can ignore this post if you don't want to read another angry post dripping with angst and anxiety about the scale. I wish I was a numbers person, because maybe it would help me figure what is happening on the scale. As Carl Sagan said: "You have to know the past to understand the future."
Since I began this BLE journey in January, I've tracked my weight everyday on a spread sheet. This first block of numbers represents 13 days in February where my weight loss stalled. I had finished the 14 Day challenge, and was trying to navigate BLE without the vlog entries and other support available on the website. 🠊

🠈That streak was followed by a streak of 6 consecutive days of losses. I don't have an explanation for why these days were successful other than I was following the line almost perfectly.

🠈But now, I'm in the throes of a 12 day span of weird fluctuations that started with an inexplicable gain of 1.6 lbs. I honestly don't know why I gained that weight overnight. I weighed myself at the same time of day, and it wasn't around the time of my cycle, which is my usual excuse. I was able to get rid of those pounds in 2 days, but then gained another 1.2 lbs overnight. This gain, however, isn't one that I can honestly say is "inexplicable," because it was the morning after I ate my birthday cake, but I've been following my lines ever since, and as you can see, I kept going up. I'm frustrated because a week ago, I was down 11.7 lbs total, but as of this morning, I'm only down a total of 10.5 lbs.
I don't really know what else to write. I'm hoping that the scale starts moving in the right direction, and soon. I also hope that by reviewing these numbers, I can figure out the pattern. I'm continuing to do what I need to do on this program. I know the number shouldn't matter, but it does. Maybe the stress and anxiety from coronavirus is affecting my weight loss.
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