"poonch - ki") are Polish pastries, essentially a deep fried, glazed donut filled with a sweet filling like jelly or custard. Someone brought several dozen to our building, ostensibly enough for everyone. Above is the box that made it to the conference room where my office is located. I think there were 12 to begin with, I love how someone ate half of one! LOL! The average custard filled paczki packs 425 calories and 25 g of fat, so no wonder someone elected to have half... my guess, however, is that person had a whole one and then half of another.
I've never really been tempted by paczkis or donuts for that matter. Growing up I remember these as only being filled with jelly, and I don't like jelly filled donuts so it was easy to say no. Maybe that was just a ploy my mother used to keep from buying them. "You won't like them, girls, they're filled with jelly." Today bakeries sell them with all sorts of crazy fillings, like cannoli cream or pistachio custard, but when they're sitting in the bakery box, you can't tell what's inside without cutting into it. So I tell myself that I'd get the one with jelly in it, and that keeps me from eating one. Too bad that doesn't work with a box of chocolates where I'm afraid to pick the one with cherry nougat... there, it's easy to spit it out and move onto another one. It doesn't work the same with paczki or donuts. 💖
Did you celebrate Fat Tuesday? What did you eat?
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