brunch was a disappointing experience, but not necessarily related to my food
choice. The restaurant decided at the
last minute not to serve its brunch menu, only its dinner menu. Not what we were looking for at 11:00 am on a
Sunday. I spent some time talking to
whomever would listen about my bright lines.
Though there were lots of desserts floating around the table, I easily
resisted them.
also did well at our Super Bowl party.
The items I made were all BLE friendly. For the most part I only ate one
time and avoided grazing for the entire night, but despite what SPT says about
“every action is preceded by a thought,” I’m not sure that’s entirely
true. I found myself popping food into
my mouth without thinking about it first.
It was an automatic reaction to seeing the food set out on the counter.
I didn’t have time to or the ability to stop myself by reciting a mantra. I guess on some level, subconscious or
conscious, I had a thought first, but it didn’t last long enough for me to
process it and prevent myself from popping it into my mouth. Now that I’m aware of this “automatic”
response to food, I will work on it.
started off here by writing that I “thought” I did well, and what I mean by
that is that I didn’t have any sugar, didn’t drink any alcohol, and only had a
few bites of flour. I also crossed the
time frame bright line by grazing a bit, but none of these were egregious, in
my opinion, yet the scale tells a different story, despite how well I think I
did, the scale shows that I gained 1.1 lbs.
In the scheme of things, I know this isn’t catastrophic, and that my
weight will always fluctuate a bit, but after 7 straight days of loss, seeing
the scale tick up was disappointing. I
can’t help but wonder how would I be feeling if I had really gone off the
weekend kicks off with dinner with friends at a new restaurant in our hometown
on Friday night. Saturday we are hoping to rescue a new pup (more on that
later), and that night we’re hosting book club couples dinner where I’m serving
BLE friendly chicken cordon bleu. As of
now, there’s nothing on the calendar for Sunday, so I’m hoping to catch up on
some reading. I’m falling behind in my PopSugar
and ATY Reading Challenges (more on that later, too!)
hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Let me know what you’re up to in the
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