A recent vlog message from Susan Thomspon ("SPT") which gets sent via email everyday as part of the 14-Day Challenge suggests the following: "If you focus on the bright lines, you will lose the weight; if you focus on losing the weight, you'll lose the bright lines." Her entry is partly about how often you should weigh yourself, especially when trying to lose weight. I, like so many people I know, hate weighing myself. And, before I started this program 9 days ago, I couldn't tell you the last time I stood on a scale. Even at the doctor's office earlier this month, I looked away from the number and told the nurse not to say it out loud. In fact, it took me 2 days to work up the courage to actually step on the scale in my bathroom so I could get that all-important starting weight. Since then, I've weighed myself every morning except one. The question I'm wrestling with is how often I should continue to weigh myself: daily, weekly or monthly. SPT suggests if you have hundred(s) of pounds to lose, then you should probably only weigh yourself monthly, so you don't get bogged down in the daily fluctuations. I count myself fortunate that I don't have hundred(s) of pounds to lose.
So far, the scale has either stayed the same or gone down each morning to the tune of 4 lbs "released" as they say in BLE-speak. And, I'm content with that, right now. I'm wondering, however, if I should start weighing myself weekly, so that I don't get bogged down in the daily plus or minus 0.2-0.5 differences. I'm definitely conflicted. On the one hand, as long as the scale stays the same or goes down each morning, even slightly, I feel motivated that this way of eating is working, and it makes it easy to commit to following the bright lines for another day because I can tell myself, "see, it's making a difference!" On the other hand, the minutia of such small differences, isn't all that exhilarating, and when the day comes (and I know it's coming) that the scale goes in the opposite direction, I worry that I might sabotage myself. Maybe I would rather see a total difference of 2-4 lbs once a week? I just don't know...
Friends, how often do you weigh yourself? Does your routine differ depending on whether you're trying to lose weight or maintain it? Comment below!
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